Agile construction project

How you can use agile at each stage of a building and architecture project

Programming phase

  • Exchanges with end-users to define uses

  • Progressive definition of the program through exploratory projects

  • Gather, if possible, all the main contractors during pre-configuration meetings: Project owner, Architects, Builders, Engineers to anticipate problems.

  • Don't necessarily complete a tied program, but agree to start with a base that will evolve as the design progresses.

Agile Methods: Design Thinking, Kanban Design phase

Design phase

  • Work by iteration

  • Bringing together all design stakeholders

  • Agree on the expectations of each iteration and obtain clear validations.

  • Demonstrate the digital mock-up at each step of the process

  • Communicate on its progress and ideally organize stand-ups meetings every day or at least once a week.

  • Use digital tools: exchange platform, instant communication tool, file sharing tool to synchronize deliverables

  • Automate checks and allow each member to benefit from the feedback of the validation tools Agile

Methods: Kanban, Scrum, XP (test driven design)

Construction phase

  • To have a daily communication on iterations between companies on site

  • Seek to optimize the flow on the site and the expenditure of materials

  • Limit waste and reuse as much as possible

  • Bringing everyone together and looking for solutions together

  • Use collaboration and sharing tools to streamline information sharing

Agile methods: Lean construction, Kanban

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