Links and bibliography
Links on works and ressources about Agile in AEC and BIM
Agile BIM / Agile in construction
A utilização da metodologia ágil scrum como estratégia para a otimização do desenvolvimento dos projetos de arquitetura / Ricardo Gonzalez Marinho de Mattos 2015
English version : Towards a BIM-Agile Method in Architectural Design Assessment of a Pedagogical Experiment / Henri-Jean Gless 2020
Expert on Lean construction and author of many papers about construction management
How Ghery delivered on time and budget by Bent Flyvbjerg
Digital transformation
2001 Article of Architecture technological journal that talk about Agile and why digital transformation is hard in construction industry
Brainstorming technics
Brainstorming technics:
Agile Hardware
Scrum for hardware / Paolo Sammicheli
Wikispeed project / A project of car developed with scrum and agile hardware methodologies
Lean construction
What is Lean Construction (Bricks blog)
Agile City
The Agile City: Building Well-being and Wealth in an Era of Climate Change a book to learn strategy to change quickly the city and building to meet sustainability and decarbonation goals.
The scrum guide (Updated 2020 version)
Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time / Jeff Sutherland 2014
Agile en Français
Traditional project management
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